Hunter Model Management endeavours to protect the well being and safety of our models, also aspiring models who are hoping to break into the modelling industry. It is important to be aware, that certain unscrupulous individuals will most certainly attempt to prey on young hopefuls, either by impersonating representatives of our agency, or secondarily, you may find agencies popping up using the “HUNTER” name. We have had instances of both of these scenarios. We have received calls from aspiring models thinking they are signing with Hunter Model Management. Please ensure you know WHO you are signing with.
• We are a standalone international modelling agency. We are the ONLY Hunter Model Management worldwide, we are neither connected to ANY other agency using “HUNTER” in their name, nor are they connected to us, whether that be a shortened version of our agency name.
Hunter (Model Mgmt)
Hunter (Model Agency)
Hunter (Talent Agency)
Or any other version of the “HUNTER” name. It is fraudulent and illegal for any other agency to allude to being “connected” to us.
• Our management personally scouts and meets with potential models. If you have not met with our management in person, then any contracts you may have been sent, are NOT from Hunter Model Management. Please verify with the person who sent them, exactly who they are and their agency details.
• From time to time, we may conduct zoom meetings with international or out of state models when scouting. If so, you will receive an official email ending with our email domain name –
• ANY email contact from us will ALWAYS end with our domain name. We do NOT have Whatsapp or any other communications apps.
• The ONLY social media we scout from, is our official instagram page – @huntermodelmanagement anything else is false/scam.
• Hunter Model Management NEVER requests photos in nude or lingerie.
• Hunter Model Management NEVER requests payment to be signed onto our agency, nor any kind of commission payments to be paid up front, or contract fees.
• You can always verify anyone contacting you, by emailing us directly from our contact page. But for your own safety please do NOT engage with any suspicious individuals. Please report them.